Spillrite Industrial vacuums are manufactured in Australia and offer a wide selection of vacuum cleaners including industrial pneumatic vacuums for all wet and dry industrial waste.
- Pneumatic drum vacuums are powered by compressed air, they do not use electricity
- There are no moving parts to wear out, cause friction or create a spark
- Can be used in both wet and dry applications
- Designed and manufactured in Australia
- 4 times the power of electric vacuums
- Huge 5 metre water lift
- 5 year warranty
Pneumatic drum vacuums can be used for flammable fluids and combustible dusts.
- Vacuum powerhead is made from anti-static metal
- Metal anti-static chrome wand
- Explosion proof anti-static suction hose
- Anti-static metal tank fittings
- Vacuum trolley base grounded with grounding chain
- Anti-static air fittings
- Anti-static tank fittings which complete the dissipation path
- Stainless steel anti-static capture tank