Testimonials on Spillrite Vacuums products and service:
One of the greatest pleasures that a business operator can experience is satisfied customers. At Spillrite Vacuums we sell hundreds of air powered, PD blowers, Hydro vacuum excavation, electric and side channel blower systems and in most cases we don't hear back which means that the vacuum system we have sold a customer does exactly what we said it would. Sometimes some of our customers are so impressed they write reviews or positive comments. At Spillrite Vacuums we pride ourselves in delivering honest and accurate information.
Here are some of those comments:
Hi Rob
Fantastic, thank you for the great service!
Kind regards
Alan Hides
Global Contract Manager - RSBruce
Hi Rob,
The new unit is working well. We have finished training the users and it is now in use.
We appreciate your prompt action on this and getting the new unit back to us
Kind Regards,
Michael Aubrey - Safety Officer
9/14 Yangan Drive, Beresfield NSW 2322
Hi Rob,
Just wanted to say that the ordering and shipment of this product was extremely easy and the freight got here in a timely manner.
Denise Noonan
Business Support Officer
Northern Resource Recovery Scheme
922 Ocean Reef Road, Craigie, 6025. Western Australia.
Afternoon Rob,
We have been trialling the dust vacuum at underground coal mines for the removal of dust during grouting operations. All has been going well. The pump has performed exactly as required with no issues.
Hi Rob, Thanks for service mate, appreciate it
Glenn Anderson
Managing Director
11 Byrne Court-Mildura Vic 3502
Po Box 5122-Mildura Vic 3502
Going great thanks Rob. I’ll just check urgency on the filters before ordering. We only have 2 weeks left so wondering if they’re essential.
Matt Williams
Project Manager
Jet Engineering
53‑57 Maggiolo Drive Paget QLD 4740. www.jet-group.com.au
My total height is 1920mm . I’m loving it. I can now get into car parks and clean retention tanks. Thank you.All done within my gvm.
Thank you very much wouldn’t of done it without your help.
Astyle Plumbing
PO Box 3231, North Strathfield, NSW, 2137
Hi Rob,
You really excelled the other week, I have never written a Testimonial before.
I would like to say thanks again, you really did save us, if it didn’t make the
Shipment with the other items it would of have to been sent later at an added expense.
“No Pressure” These were the first words Rob replied when I requested 1 drum vac to
Be assembled and ready for Toll collection at 2pm for overnight airfreight to Melbourne
To meet up with other items we were sending to West Papua the following day.
At 9:30am we increased the order to 2 drum vacs Rob again agreed, and as promised they
Were ready for Toll collection at 2 pm , at 4pm it was clear that Toll was not coming.
Rob again swung into action, drove 40 minutes to the airport so that would make the flight that night.
They were available in Melbourne the next day to make the flight to West Papua.
Robs can do attitude from the outset was truly Superior.
Kevin Keegan
Darwin Operations Manager
CALL1800 190 190|DIRECT0882921040|www.BlastOne.com
WE HAVE MOVED!11-19 Tivendale Road, Berrimah NT 0828
The information contained in this email and its attachments is confidential and is intended onl
Rob, we are sucking from a tank but it works that well we will use it for some smaller jobs where oil levels are very low, so is it possible to also bring a few different tool ends for us to have a look at
Kris Tarrant
IT Manager
Systems Manager
Rob, The unit did a better job than the old unit we have used before. We had no issues. Thank you.
Charl Kellermman
ASU Plant - Five Islands
A Member of The Linde Group
147 Five Islands Road, Port Kembla NSW 2505 Australia (31/5/19)
Got the vacuum and set it up today. Works well.
DOUG MATHEWSON|Safety and Site Services Co-ordinator
Corinthian Doors (Australia) Pty Limited
17-35 Lee Holm Road
ST MARYS, NSW, 2760 30/4/19
Hi Rob
It has been a while since we last dealt. But I’m pleased to report the explosion proof vac you provided us has been working wonderfully. We are a satisfied customer. (4/8/17)
Dylan Clarkson
Operations Supervisor
GrainCorp Limited
Mackey Street
North Geelong VIC 3215 Australia
Hey Rob,
Thanks for making the purchase so painless.
Wade Cull | General Manager 06/09/16
P 07 4774 8364 | M 0405 180 109
W www.poseidonpressurecleaning.com
We recently purchased an Airvac 100 CFM Ex vacuum cleaner. I would like to say so far we are extremely happy with its performance.
Vinko Anticevic bhpbilliton 20/4/16
The unit I purchased from Spillrite has enabled me to clean out valve boxes and peform minor hydro excavation work in tight access locations and backyards where my vac truck cant read. I simply take in a long air hose and a long pressure washer hose whilst leaving the air compressor and pressure washer on my trailer in the driveway. I can take the drum out the back on a trolley and do my works there. They are a pleasure to deal with and Rob really knows his stuff.
Marty, MB Irrigation, Darwin, NT 10/3/16
Hi Robert,
The new drum lid vacuums work really well, the guys on the floor love them.
So, i would like to order two more drum lid Vac heads, just as the previous order.
Just send the invoice to myself with the included transport and i will have
it paid.
Michael Hill
State Manager Queensland
SCHÜTZ (Australia) Pty Ltd
4/356 Bilsen Road
Geebung QLD 4034
PO Box 454
Virginia QLD 4014
Phone: +61 (7) 3265 4911
Facsimile: +61 (7) 3265 4355
Mobile 0407 252 130
Thanks Rob, without blowing wind up your arse it is probably one of the best things I have and will ever buy (I see by your web site you are expanding)
Thanks again for looking after us with the initial pricing
Cheers Chris J
ATS Plumbing & Draining Services Pty Ltd
73 Whitings Road
The Caves Qld 4702
QBSA No: 1129230
Mobile: 0447 296 745
Fax: 4934 2536
Email: ats@netspace.net.au
Morning Peter,
We are looking at purchasing a Taipan 560 unit from Vacteck Vacuums and believe you have the 2000 lt hydro.
Are you happy with the unit and any problems that I should be aware of?
A quick note in response would be great fully appreciated.
Paul Griffin
Operations Manager
168-188 Wellington Rd, Clayton, VIC 3168
P.O. Box 953, Mt Waverley, VIC, 3149
Telephone – (03) 9561 2266
Fax – (03) 9561 2288
A.B.N. 46 005 063 249
Internet site – www.chadoak.com.au <http://www.chadoak.com.au/>
E-mail - paulg@chadoak.com.au
Yes that is correct we have the 2000 It hydro, we are extremely happy with the unit, it has served its purpose perfectly without any problems or complications.
We also had no problems with the company everything was great.
Lisa Underhill
Peter Underhill Plumbing Services Pty Ltd
PO Box 6662
Office & Fax - (02) 9622 3933
Plumbing - Draining - GasfittingMobile - 0412 445 104
Excavator Hire Email - puplumbing@optusnet.com.au
Non Destructive Digger Hire ABN - 85 142 769 186
Sorry for the protracted silence, we have been in the grain receival preparation mode for some time and still for a few weeks to come yet.
Your prototype has been working all the time since Graincorp checked it over, at our sample stand in Narrabri.
All sample stand staff were very impressed with it. Its performance, effectiveness and vacuum strength is superior to the current make and model available in NSW.
We had clients unable to wait for your production model and were forced to purchase the alternative this season.
Do you have an indicative price yet and when would you expect them to be available?
Our staff using the prototype are practically refusing to give it up. Is there a price to purchase it in the short term?
Wayne Sing
Futari Grain Technology Services
PO Box 95
Narrabri NSW 2390
Mob 0417 654516
Hi Rob, Thanks for all the support you have provided. We are more than pleased with the pump that we purchased. Michael Shaw -Island Princess Macadamia Nut Co.
First of all I want to express my complete satisfaction with theDrum Pump 20 (explosion proof) that I ordered from you a couple of months ago. I have to admit when the unit arrived I had my doubts. It is so small! I operate it with a 17 cfm air compressor and it does a great job! I use it to clean out spill containment manholes associated with underground fuel storage tanks, here in the States. Tight quarters as the photos show, however I can clean one out in about a minute. I’ve attached a photo of one of the spill containment manholes after I’ve cleaned it using the Drum pump 20.
Rob I have a need for another of your vacuums. Let me outline the requirements and see if we are thinking along the same lines here.
I have a 44 cfm air compressor, at 175 psi, gas engine operated, and mounted on a trailer. The application will be the same as above: cleaning out spill containment manholes associated with underground fuel storage tanks. I’m usually sucking water, a fuel and water mix or just straight fuel. When we visit a site for the first time we usually find the liquid along with an accumulation of dirt (mud) and leaves from years of neglect, (all of which is wet). After our initial visit we usually just find the liquid with a very small amount of dirt. My thoughts are that I need a more powerful pump, adapted for explosion proof operation. Do you agree or do you have something you think will serve my needs better?
Rob, If you could quote me on the more ppwerful pump or what you consider to be suitable, I would appreciate it!
Best regards,
Kip Broadfoot
Charles Broadfoot & Associates, Inc.
Underground storage tank management services
1623 Brookside Avenue
Fayetteville, NC 29305
phone: 910-484-5815
mobile: 910-574-4748
fax: 253-681-0532
e-mail: cbroadfoot@nc.rr.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Creators of the USTCOM Ultimate system for complete, reliable UST compliance
Hi Rob, Gary and I would like to thank you both for your time and effort towards ourpresentation to Qantas.We are very impressed with the equipment capabilities and are confident in getting Qantas and EPA Approval.Again, many thanks.RgdsLindaLinda Armstrong
Business Services Manager
Flying Colours Aviation E-mail: %252520var%252520addy67220%252520=%252520%252527linda%252527%252520+%252520%252527@%252527;%252520addy67220%252520=%252520addy67220%252520+%252520%252527flyingcoloursaviation%252527%252520+%252520%252527.%252527%252520+%252520%252527com%252527;%252520document.write%252528%252520%252527%25253Ca%252520%252527%252520+%252520path%252520+%252520%252527%25255C%252527%252527%252520+%252520prefix%252520+%252520%252527:%252527%252520+%252520addy67220%252520+%252520%252527%25255C%252527%25253E%252527%252520%252529;%252520document.write%252528%252520addy67220%252520%252529;%252520document.write%252528%252520%252527%25253C%25255C/a%25253E%252527%252520%252529;%252520//--%25253E%25255Cn%252520%25253C/script%25253E%252520%25253Cscript%252520language=%252527JavaScript%252527%252520type=%252527text/javascript%252527%25253E%252520%25253C%252521--%252520document.write%252528%252520%252527%25253Cspan%252\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\">www.flyingcoloursaviation.com
- We have successfully trialed the vacuum unit last week but have damaged the drum supplied . While tipping the drum to empty contents , the centre & top of drum has been squeezed out of round . Lid will no longer fit . Can you supply a more substantial drum that will handle the high weight of steel shot during tipping / unloading operation .ThanksPeter IrelandReliability Engineer Fence post plantOne Steel Newcastle - 174 Quad for recovering steel shot.
Hi Rob,
I have received the first 2, thanks very much for the prompt service. Look forward to receiving the rest.
Kind Regards.
Cohen Baxter
Project Supervisor
Programmed Maintenance Services Limited
A1, 255 Rawson Street Auburn NSW 2144
PO Box 1146 Auburn NSW 1835
Darlington Nuclear Generation, Reactor 2, Bowmanville, Ontario Canada.
Hi Robert,
Fired up the 1600 cfm HP 150 psi compressor, 600 feet away and tested the SUPOCs.
The crowds were amazed ...they sucked grit 20 ft straight up vertically at 80 PSI !!!
..and actually they are not that noisy at all (and Darlington Nuclear Power Station are fussy!).
Very impressive machinery!
Owners (DNGS) and contractor (Crossby Dewar) are very pleased and feeling warm and fuzzy and well vindicated.
The lousy pics show part of the story (better pics to follow).
The Beastly power pack lives in the scaffold tent enclosure, along with the dust collector and the blast pot with the recycler barrel mounted on top.
The main hopper lives outside and its straight up and into the the tank.
Real work starts on Saturday....so by Monday I should have a valid report based on actual real time experience.
Excellent....I am very pleased.
Thank you!
NACE Certified Coating Inspector #7382
SSPC Protective Coating Specialist
Advising to Darlington Nuclear Power Generation, Ontario
May18th 2009
After the real test Julian responded....
Hi Robert,
Victory has been achieved!
Monstrous sucking has been achieved and multiple tons of used 16 grit aluminum oxide blasting grit has smoothly moved approximately 16 feet to 20 feet straight up out of the tank, over and down to the hopper ...so the crowds are ecstatic.....and attracting quite abit of attention from within the plant.
NACE Certified Coating Inspector #7382
SSPC Protective Coating Specialist
May 21st 2009
By the way, today we spilled 600 lbs of aluminum oxide on to the floor and people started sweeping and moaning.
After questioning their intelligence I grabbed the hose of Beastly sucking Dog, ...it was 20 feet straight up (I measured) over a handrail and down to the hopper which was sitting on the same floor as the spill ...and cleaned up the entire mess in a matter of few minutes, with no hesitation or choking.
Very impressive!
Don’t know any other mobile unit that will do that!
But then....that’s why we came to you in the first place, because, quite frankly, you suck better than all the rest....and I searched long and hard before I concluded that you knew things that others did not.
NACE Certified Coating Inspector #7382
SSPC Protective Coating Specialist
US Military-Diego Garcia Indian Ocean - BIOT
Great...I need a 6X10 ft. trailer for the vacuum recovery system I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m
compiling. As I stated on the phone it has been a hassle dealing with
companies in the U.S. I can get you further info. regarding the specifics
tomorrow...I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m busy till 5:00 o clock today. And I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m suppose to get off at 4
o clock.
Thanks a lot Rob
Helio, Hi there. Just an update. I have been trying to co-ordinate all goods
to depart on a ship out of Brisbane with the following details;
ANL Warringa 022N
Receival 27-02/10 @ 3pm 15 days transit
ETD Brisbane 04/10 ETA Singapore 19/10.
At this stage I think it will be too rushed as it doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t take into account
any delays and I still haven\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t got a completion date on the fuel trailers.
Also the building of an internal frame to take the third trailer will be a
good half day or longer. Looks like the trailers will be ready late next
week or beginning of the next. So I am going to push back the shipping and
aim to co-ordinate with the departure of the Baffin Strait from Singapore on
November 13th.
-Helio Diaz II
Most items shipped to BIOT come from a ship \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Baffin Strait\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" from Singapore,
. Everything must head to Singapore first and then gets loaded onto that
ship. I can provide a POC for the shipping person located in Singapore. I
will provide that info when personnel come back from lunch.
The trailer info: 10 feet long by 6 feet wide, pintle hook , no lights
needed, single axle, and a drop down gate preferred. I attached a picture
of the exact trailer I was trying to order and had received no response from
the company.
Thanks Rob, sorry for the late response I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ve been very very busy.
-Helio Diaz II
Helio, the trailer will be no problem to get manufactured. My contact here
could make it identical to the one in the picture. If you can send me the
details of the guy in Singapore I will get a costing of the trailer either
tomorrow or Monday. I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ll then find out the process of getting it shipped to
Singapore and then meet up with the Baffin Strait.
Thanks for all the stuff...it works great...shirts and hats are awesome!!
Sorry I didn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t reply sooner...been busy as hell here. Thanks again.
Helio Diaz II
POL Assistant Manager
Annex 10B: POL Management and Operations
DG21 LLC. Diego Garcia, BIOT
Phone: 011-246-370-2977 Time Diff.(+14hrs.PST)
E-mail Address: dg21polasstsupt@cwnetdg.io
Department of Defence Australia - anti-static vacuum system for a ballistic firing range at Graytown VIC.
tble cellspacing="�" ">"
tble cellspacing="�" ">"
Boyter, John MR 1 <john.boyter1@defence.gov.au>
Robert l Whittle <robw@vacteck.com>
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Sullivan, Gavin MR\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" <Gavin.Sullivan@defence.gov.au>
10 February 2010 08:12
hide details 10 Feb
As discussed the vacuum has arrived at Graytown, thankyou for your efforts on our behalf and please pass on out thanks to you please for their efforts to achieve this contract. We are looking forward to receiving the training on this item and it should fill our requirements. Unfortunately and again as discussed the vacuum arrived with some transit damage. I have attached photographs of the damage for your perusal. Can you please advise on how this damage can be rectified.
John Boyter
IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence and is subject to the jurisdiction of section 70 of the Crimes Act 1914. If you have received this email in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the email.
From: Robert L Whittle [mailto:robw@vacteck.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 10 February 2010 10:40
To: Boyter, John MR 1
Subject: RE: Your Pics [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
John, easy fixed. I will prepare two new short exhaust AS hoses today and express post them down so when Paul arrives he can install them. You should have them by close of business tomorrow.
Robert L Whittle